Thank You Ladies!

i just want to say a big THANK YOU to Debbie from Girl Whimsy and Gail from Obee Designs for passing on these lovely awards. Thank You Ladies! please make sure to stop by and visit these two amazing blogs. they are both truly spectacular!
Now, i'm suppose to pass these on to 7 other fabulous blogs where i gather much inspiration. okay, here i go!
okay, so here are my picks in no particular order. although there are just so many blogs i truly enjoy, i had to pick 7. i chose these ladies because their blogs are truly inspirational. rather it's about saving a dollar and keeping it fabulous or about raising a beautiful family or just having a great eye for fashion and interior design, i truly enjoy each one of these lovely blogs. so please make sure to stop by and check them out.
i'm suppose to tell 7 things about myself, here goes:
1. i am a collector of cookbooks. seriously i am obsessed with all cookbooks. i could sit in a bookstore or the library for hours just reading all kinds of cookbooks. i begin this obsession in the third grade when a book fair came to my school and gave us free books. i remember looking around the table just looking for the perfect book. there tucked under two books, just slightly exposed, was this amazing cookie cookbook. my love for getting ingredients and putting them all in a bowl and making something fabulously delicious became an obsession. so from that point on, i was sold. i think i just really enjoy recipes. honey, i will cut out a recipe from a paper bag or from the back of a box laminate it, organize it and add it to my collection.
2. i'm a serious girly girl. i love anything that sparkles. i love pink and flowers and vintage. i could just go on and on. i really do enjoy being a woman from the natural point and just for all the loveliness that surrounds us. rather it's God's beautiful earth or just a great pair of shoes or a spectacular sofa, i just love it all.
3. this may sound strange to some, but i embrace my struggles. i have been through a lot. some not my fault and some my fault. but i can honestly say that i appreciate my struggles because it shapes who i am today. i believe that it has humbled me and it keeps me balance. i appreciate the gift of life and i thank God every day for how He has brought me through. no matter what you have done or what you are going through, all i can say is please give it to God and He will truly help you. i had to learn that. i had to know that HE truly loved me and that HE cared. some of us are living in turmoil or shame because of what we have done or been through, but please know that God loves you and HE will forgive you. just go to Him. there is no recipe for prayer HE just wants you to talk to Him, pour yourself out to Him. it may not happen over night, but constant prayer works. He will do what He knows is best for you. just Trust Him.
4. i have an obsession with the word "big" . i love big pieces of furniture, i love big jewelry pieces. i love big bags. i love big art pieces. i love big mirrors. i love collecting big books. it's amazing to me. i trip my self out. i think i just love the fact how big pieces avoid clutter for me when i decorate my areas. i love small things too, but only when they fit in with the big pieces like accessories. i just don't like being big, like a little over weight, lol!!!
5. i don't use credit cards! i know, crazy huh? i have absolutely no debt. if i can't pay for it with cash or through my Visa check card, i don't buy it. if it's something i really want, i save up for it after all my important bills and other important things is payed for. this is just how i roll. but i don't refuse gifts. thank you! lol!!!
6. i want to own a beautiful farm with rolling hills. not really a serious farmer, because trust me my tractor would be pink, but just a nice piece of property to be a good steward over. i would visit my grandparents in the south (Mississippi) every year and i just fell in love with the life style. my grandparents grew all of their own vegetables and they raised their own animals ( cows, goats, chickens). i think a seed was planted in me. i just love the organization they would have. everything was so simple. i would enjoy picking corn in the summer time and eating fresh tomatoes on my sandwich. discovering bumble bees and humming birds. i miss sitting on their front porch and waving at the neighbors going by. down South every one says hello to each other, that's just the southern hospitality. "yes sir" and "no mam" instead of "huh" or "what" was how we were trained to respect our elders. i didn't mean to go all into that, but i love farms and i love farm houses and red barns.
7. here's something funny about me. when i go out to eat, i can't leave the table just messy. every thing has to be stacked and crumbs removed. my family thinks i'm crazy, they say," that's not your job." but i just can't walk away leaving a mess. i also believe that just because your not getting payed for it doesn't mean you can't help.
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