How would it be to...
Fall asleep (still wearing your clothes and make-up) after a long night of dancing, in 1926?

Get ready for you (very first) date with your love, in 1933?

Missing a person (you know) you will never see again, in 1949?

Travel to places you have never been (but always dreamt of), in 1951?

Dressing off in front of the camera (and the man behind the camera), in 1956?

Smoke a cigarette while thinking of the newest task (as a secret agent), in 1959?

Meet your childhood friend after one of she has just married her man (who used to be yours), in 1963?

Dance to the hippest music (being the hippest girl) a sommernight in 1967?

Drive around in a van with baby girl, looking for freedom (and yourself), in 1974?
...Live in another era? (and when would you choose to live?)
1 Photographer: Mert & Marcus. W Magazine September 2006. Link.
2 Elle Deutchland
3 Photographer: Stefania Parelli. Link.
4 Photographer: Stefania Parelli. Link.
5 The Vanities Girls. Link.
6 Italian Vogue September 2008
7 Photographer: Sebastian Faena. Link.
8 Vogue Deutchland
9 Unknown
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